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2024 Remnants annual general meeting

The 2024 Remnants CC annual general meeting was held online (using Zoom) on the evening of Tuesday, March 12.


Members present: Ev Fox; Faruk Kara; Daniel Mortlock; Gaurav Patel; Cam Petrie; Joe White; John Young.

Apologies: Marcus Baker; Andy Bell; Neil Grover; Paul Jordan; Dave Norman; Andy Owen; James Robinson; Tom Serby; Phil Watson.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of last year's AGM, held on Match 21, 2023, were read and confirmed. Regarding the two actions from that meeting:

Faruk Kara attempted to find a way to avoid paying VAT on the Fitz ground hire unfortunately didn't come to match. The fundamental sticking point is that we would need to be formally linked to the College (possible through Hari Kukreja as a current student or Nick Johnson as an alumnus) to avoid VAT, but this would almost certainly come with unwelcome restrictions.

John Young investigated cheaper website options. He moved the domain name registration from GoDaddy to NameCheap quickly after last year's meeting but wasn't able to find a hosting option in time to avoid renewing with GoDaddy. However he has now gotten into a position to move to Hostinger, which we will attempt to do in the next month, taking out a four-year subscription.

The treasurer's report

Treasurer Joe White provided a report based primarily on the statements from the club's bank account. We operated at a small gain of £164.44 over the year, with a closing balance of £2,113.90. There were a few late payments from some players and opposition clubs, but nothing out of the ordinary. The Fitz ground hire fee will increase from £80.00 (including VAT) to £96.00 (including VAT). Hence we will need to increase players' match fees to £7.00 and £3.50, as well as asking £50.00 from visiting teams.

Dave Norman reported (in absentia) that Fitzwilliam College's ground hire fee will increase to £80.00 (including VAT) for evening games. We will hence increase individual match fees at £7.00 for adults and £3.50 for juniors, and the charge to visiting teams at £50.00. (including a match ball).

The Fenner's nets fees are remaining as they were but are being invoiced earlier than usual. (There is also some problem with the standard of lighting at Fenner's.)

Secretary's report

The 2023 season proceeded pretty smoothly. We played 32 completed matches (including one internal game) of which we won 12, lost 15, tied 1 and drew 3, a reasonable 45% record for the season. There were also 5 cancellations.

This year's fixture list is largely complete, with the internal Remnants vs. Remnants game will be on Tuesday, June 25.

Club welfare officer's report

Andy Bell wasn't able to attend the meeting, but will be standing down as he is no longer in Cambridge.

Election of officers


General business

There was no other business.

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