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Remnants vs. Fen Ditton

18:00, Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Fitzwilliam College

Match cancelled.

Report by Daniel Mortlock:

Cancel culture comes to Cambridge!

No, it's not a disingenuously rage-inducing headline in The Daily Fail, but merely a factual description of the local 2024 cricket season. It used to be that we'd spend rainy match days waiting with baited breath for a verdict from Fitz groundsman Dave Norman; but we've now gotten to the stage where we're basically able to call off a game by committee through the wonders of WhatsApp:

[21/05/2024, 10:18:13] Daniel Mortlock: @Dave Norman: Sadly pinging you with the usual weather-related queries, as I understand its rainy in Cambridge today - how are we looking for this evening?

[21/05/2024, 10:28:13] Dave Norman: Hi Dan , ok at the moment looking like rain after 4pm but showers probably heavy, I will keep you updated, doesnt look like good for tomorrow though!!

[21/05/2024, 10:39:27] Daniel Mortlock: Thanks for the update.

[21/05/2024, 14:23:03] Dave Norman: Started raining in Cambridge , I will keep checking forecast and make a decision at 4/30 , its not looking to promising Im afraid

[21/05/2024, 14:30:40] Daniel Mortlock: Thanks again for the update, pessimistic as it is. Ill need to leave at 4:15, so Id appreciate an update then if possible.

[21/05/2024, 14:38:47] Dave Norman: Ok Dan I will make a call at 4.

[21/05/2024, 14:47:44] Daniel Mortlock: Thanks

[21/05/2024, 15:03:28] Paul Jordan: Steady rain in Ely ATM

[21/05/2024, 15:21:23] Cameron Petrie: And in Cambridge

[21/05/2024, 15:26:50] Paul Jordan: Pretty steady

[21/05/2024, 15:28:53] Dave Norman: Id call it pretty moderate rain now in Cambridge

[21/05/2024, 15:31:13] Daniel Mortlock: Hmmm, just had a look at the forecast on the BBC and Accuweather, both of which are predicting rain for the rest of the evening. My sense is the chance of getting a complete - and fun - game is pretty low.

[21/05/2024, 15:31:25] Neil Grover: I'd say it's more than moderate in Northstowe now.

[21/05/2024, 15:32:09] Paul Jordan: Really steady in Ely for last half hour ....puddle forming rain!

[21/05/2024, 15:33:13] Paul Jordan: The met office shows steady rain till much later.....share your view

[21/05/2024, 15:35:57] Naveen Chouksey: Its raining heavily now.

[21/05/2024, 15:56:47] Dave Norman: Sorry all game OFF, not a difficult decision with rain forecast for another 3 hours .

[21/05/2024, 15:57:49] Neil Grover: Sad but sensible

[21/05/2024, 15:57:53] Daniel Mortlock: Agreed, sensible call - thanks as ever for trying.

[21/05/2024, 16:02:03] Paul Jordan: Sensible call Dave thanks for updating

[21/05/2024, 16:05:06] Daniel Mortlock: So now we look forward with hope to Wednesday . . . which, sadly, seems likely to be even worse.

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