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Remnants vs. Trinity College High Table

18:00, Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Trinity College (Old Field)

Remnants (137/6 in 15 8-ball overs)
Trinity College High Table (115/3 in 15 8-ball overs)
by 22 runs.

Report by The Remnants WhatsApp group:

[10:04, 07/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: Could someone please let us know the exact location of today cricket ground Post code would help Map given in Remnants website does not give exact cricket ground name Basically can't find 'Trinity college Old field " in map

[10:06, 07/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: Thanks Taz

[10:06, 07/07/2021] Taz Islam: Grange Rd, Cambridge CB3 9AA

[10:06, 07/07/2021] Taz Islam: No worries

[10:07, 07/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: So parking on Grange Road

[10:07, 07/07/2021] Catherine Owen: There is a car park

[10:07, 07/07/2021] Catherine Owen: The entrance you can see on taz's photo

[10:07, 07/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: Thanks

[10:08, 07/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: And there is car parking

[10:12, 07/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: Thanks all When coming from Madingley Road Could see a car park in the right side in the corner of ground

[10:34, 07/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: That's it turn right into the ground from madingley road and you

[10:34, 07/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Will see spaces for cars

[11:06, 07/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: Regarding the location for today's game: there's a link to a dynamic Google map on the Remnants web-site.

[11:42, 07/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: Link is not clear as outside it says: "Trinity college (old fields)" but in map its marked as "Trinity college squash and Badminton courts " so bit confusing. I wanted to be double sure as I should not waste time finding the cricket ground. I m always reach near start time :)

[11:44, 07/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Squash amd badminton is at the same location

[11:45, 07/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: Thumbs up!

[20:14, 07/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: 0-0 after 14 minutes.

[20:21, 07/07/2021] Rob Harvey: Unusual bowling analysis there Dan.

[21:23, 07/07/2021] Andy Owen: Good win boys

[22:16, 07/07/2021] Chris Badger: Super photo

[22:37, 07/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Wow

[22:38, 07/07/2021] Rob Harvey: Nice pic.

[22:39, 07/07/2021] Catherine Owen: It was a lovely evening

[22:42, 07/07/2021] Andy Owen: Great photo great win remnants and England - cricket and football

[22:43, 07/07/2021] Joe White: That's awesome

[22:44, 07/07/2021] Ev Fox: Awesome

[23:22, 07/07/2021] Taz Islam: Does my 3 wickets get added to the remnants stats...?

[23:26, 07/07/2021] Brajesh Kumar: And thanks for chris and Marcus for spoiling my bowling average - well played remnants

[23:40, 07/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Hmmm . . .

[00:02, 08/07/2021] Simon Godsill: Good game tonight well done. and against the mighty Trinity College....

[00:03, 08/07/2021] Simon Godsill: your 3 wickets get *subtracted* not added

[00:11, 08/07/2021] Taz Islam: it was worth a try

[00:15, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Nup

[07:23, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Well batted Marcus and Chris. Took the game away from us on a tricky green pitch

[07:35, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: And the bowling kept it pretty tight on the chase too

[09:00, 08/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: Wickets and runs against Remnants are doubled and then subtracted from career records.

[09:11, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Oh crap

[09:39, 08/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: Important to strongly disincentivize Remnants players performing well against their own club.

[09:40, 08/07/2021] Joe White: Very true

[09:41, 08/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: I reserve the right to raise the multiplicative factor arbitrarily until I see the desired drop-off in performance.

[09:42, 08/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: @Taz: I'm afraid your 2021 Remnants wicket tally has now gone negative . . .

[09:49, 08/07/2021] Taz Islam: got to start from the bottom now, a comeback story awaits...

[09:49, 08/07/2021] Catherine Owen: Nice try

[09:49, 08/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: My new system has the added benefit of driving multi-club players to even greater heights for Remnants!

[09:51, 08/07/2021] Taz Islam: And greater lows it's seems

[10:41, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Yesterday I got my top score of the season . . .

[10:44, 08/07/2021] Chris Badger: Worthy of more runs given soporific impact of outfield

[10:45, 08/07/2021] Taz Islam: Should've used a 3rd bat... that might've helped..

[10:45, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Those deep hits to the boundary were killing both sides. That was the biggest version of old field I think I have ever played on

[10:46, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Jeez. I do admit to having two bats . . .

[10:46, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: But I'm pretty sure one is crocked

[10:47, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: But as badge pointed out there was one common factor with my problematic bats

[10:53, 08/07/2021] Naveen Chouksey: You should Thank me for my full tosses and leg side bowling

[10:56, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Thank you naveen!

[11:05, 08/07/2021] Simon Godsill: Well batted. some great shots. how they didn't get to the boundary its beyond me

[11:08, 08/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: I blame the (second) bat

[11:09, 08/07/2021] Taz Islam: Should've hit it harder...

[14:11, 08/07/2021] Phil Watson: Flipping heck, better halve my Remnants runs and wickets totals

[10:02, 09/07/2021] Simon Gosdill: looking for 1 or 2 extra players for Linton vs Ickleton tomorrow at Ickleton 1.30pm. if you are a Cambs league player you need to be registered as an AP. Otherwise can play as a guest. just message me if interested

[12:02, 09/07/2021] Daniel Mortlock: A gentle reminder that match reports are always welcome, so if you feel like putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) then it would be nice to have even a one-paragraph summary for posterity.

[12:03, 09/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: Thumbs up!

[12:03, 09/07/2021] Cameron Petrie: One for last week is coming!

[11:21, 10/07/2021] Huw Daives: wow

[11:23, 10/07/2021] John Moore: Standard for Remnants

[11:27, 10/07/2021] Neil Grover: One of those where you just have to go well ok then if you're the bat
Remnants CC | Home | 2025 season: fixtures; averages | All seasons | Records | Grounds | Club