The 2019 Remnants CC annual general meeting was held on the evening of Tuesday, March 19, at the Fitzwilliam College Cricket Ground bar.
Members present: Paul Jordan; Geoff Hales; Faruk Kara; Daniel Mortlock; Dave Norman; Andy Owen; Cam Petrie; Dave Williams.
Apologies: Jeff Beaumont; Rob Harvey; Phil Watson; Joe White.
The minutes of last year's AGM, held on March 6, 2018, were actually read.
Dave Williams provided a detailed treasurer's report, based primarily on the statements from the club's bank account -- there were no cash payments at all this year. The basic summary is that we're okay: we made a small loss of £29.75 over the year; but have 12 balls in hand, which actually represents a profit.
The account-based system for doing match fees, which are collected electronically (or otherwise) at the end of the year has once again worked very well - we wrote of just £6.00, and that for an opposition subsitute, while saving a lot of time and effort. A few opposition teams were a little late paying, but all did in the end.
Fitz pitch fees will stay at £72.00 (including VAT), so it was agreed that match fees will stay at £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for juniors. The charge to visiting teams will remain at £40.00.
We did make a little loss on the nets, which was deemed acceptable, but there was also talk of buying few cheap "nets bats" as good bats tend to get damaged. We'll use the current kit for the moment, but look to use lower-quality or damaged bats in the future.
The annual dinner, which was again held at the Burleigh Arms, was a great success. It was more expensive this year, but after several years without an increase; the sense is that there's nowhere that's cheaper and better. One suggestion for an alternative is the The Alex on Gwydir Street.
Dave was thanked for his efforts on behalf of the club.
The 2018 season ran fairly smoothly, although we had more problems than usual with (Remnants) players either dropping out late or not turning up. This is not a new problem, meaning that there is no obvious solution.
This year's fixture list is largely complete, although there are a couple of free slots during the season, largely because a couple of our regular opposition sides have either stopped playing friendlies or reduced their fixture list significantly (in both cases due to lack of player numbers). After having to cancel our one regular season weekend game last year (against Far From The MCC) only evening games have been organised for this year. The key club fixtures are the Remnants vs. Remnants game on June 19 and the President's XI game on July 30.
Daniel was thanked by the club for his efforts.
Captain Daniel Mortlock reported that, of 36 scheduled fixtures, 35 were played (i.e., all bar the Far From The MCC game), including 2 internal games. Of the 33 external games 18 were won and 15 were lost, making 2018 our fifth "in the black" season in a row.
Vice-captain Paul Jordan reported that the games he captained were enjoyable but it was frustrating to lead sides that were short of players.
Vice-captain Cam Petrie didn't play as much as he'd hoped, but looks forward to playing more this year.
Club welfare officer Paul Jordan didn't have anything particular to report, implying a fairly smooth year.
Paul went on the ECB Safeguarding And Protecting Children course. There is also a CCA request that Paul will look into.
Action: A notice will be posted stating our policy as regards junior players so that the day captain can point to this in the case that e.g., an opposition team tries to field an ineligible player.
Still to be done.
The club thanked Paul for his efforts.
Dave Williams queried whether we would have enough players this year. It is not clear, as there are a number of students who won't be here this season. Fundamentally it's hard to know . . .