The 2018 Remnants CC annual general meeting was held on the evening of Tuesday, March 6, at the Fitzwilliam College Cricket Ground bar.
Members present: Dave Green; Steve Gull; Geoff Hales; Paul Jordan; Faruk Kara; Daniel Mortlock; Dave Norman; Andy Owen; Cam Petrie; Richard Rex; Dave Williams
Apologies: John Moore; Matt Samson; Phil Watson; and Joe White.
The minutes of last year's AGM, held on March 7, 2017, were actually read. Steve Gull made the correction that he had attended.
Dave Williams provided a detailed treasurer's report, which included a bank statement. The basic summary is that we're okay, but made a small surplus of £63.00 over the year. This should be addressed by the policy change described below.
The account-based system for doing match fees, which are collected electronically (or otherwise) at the end of the year has worked very well - we wrote of just £3.00 while saving a lot of time and effort.
Fitz pitch fees will increase to £72 (including VAT), so it was agreed that match fees will increase to £6.00 for adults while remaining at £3.00 for juniors. The charge to visiting teams will be increased to £40.00.
The annual dinner, which was again held at the Burleigh Arms, was a great success.
Action: There was an unexplained payment of £16.30 to the Greater Anglia train company on 14/2/2017. This needs to be chased up. (There were matching payments and credits of £10.80 on 22/11/2017 and 23/11/2017 which are also unexplained although there is no net income/outgoing to the club account.)
The unexplained payment was so long ago that the bank didn't have full details for that transaction; the TfL payment/refund pair was traced to a card clash. We hence agreed that Remnants CC account card holders would not carry the card around in general.
Dave was thanked for his efforts on behalf of the club.
The 2017 season ran fairly smoothly, although a few teams did drop out late in the piece. ("It was ever thus" was Geoff's comment.) The clear highlight of the season was the 1000th game - even though this ended up being spread over three different dates.
This year's fixture list is complete, although there are a couple of free slots in the final week of August. We have several weekend games, including against a new opposition in the form of Far From The MCC; it remains to be seen whether this will work or whether we will struggle to get teams out. The key club fixtures are the Remnants vs. Remnants game on June 19 and the President's XI game on August 21.
The possibility of a discount match fee for pensioners was discussed but received little support.
Daniel was thanked by the club for his efforts.
Captain Daniel Mortlock reported that, of 43 scheduled fixtures, 31 were played, including 2 internal games. Of the 29 external games 18 were won and 11 were lost. Overall a good result, and our fourth "in the black" season in a row.
Vice-captain Paul Jordan reported that the games he captained were enjoyable and he made unsubstantiated claims that Remnants won all of these games. Captaining the (actual) 1000th game was an honour.
Vice-captain Andy Owen also echoed the sentiment that it was a good year.
(Vice-captain Grant Kennedy was unable to attend.)
Club welfare officer Paul Jordan didn't have anything particular to report, implying a fairly smooth year. Our web-site explicitly states that we will comply with the ECB guidelines on junior players.
Paul went on the CCA refresher course.
Action: A notice will be posted stating our policy as regards junior players so that the day captain can point to this in the case that e.g., an opposition team tries to field an ineligible player.
Still to be done.
The club thanked Paul for his efforts.
Dave Williams mentioned that Cricket East offers courses on scoring, coaching and, most importantly for Remnants, umpiring. The latter is a particular focus due to the number of players who demur from umpiring by protesting that they don't know how, or feel unconfident doing so.
There was also some discussion that there have been significant rule changes since the 2017 season, so these will be linked to here.