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2017 Remnants annual general meeting

The 2017 Remnants CC annual general meeting was held on the evening of Tuesday, March 7, at the Fitzwilliam College Cricket Ground bar.


Members present: Dave Green; Steve Gull; Geoff Hales; Paul Jordan; Faruk Kara; Daniel Mortlock; Dave Norman; Andy Owen; and Cam Petrie.

Apologies: Nick Johnson; Grant Kennedy; Michael McCann; Olly Rex; and Richard Rex.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of last year's AGM, held on March 30, 2016, were actually read.

The treasurer's report

Dave Williams provided both the accounts (in the form of an annotated bank statement) and a detailed treasurer's report. The basic summary is that we're okay, but made a £40.00 loss on the year, in part due to paying for a broken window, as well as donating £150.00 to the Julian Starmer-Smith Lymphoma Fund in honour of club legend Barry Dare, who sadly died during the season.

The account-based system for doing match fees, which are collected electronically (or otherwise) at the end of the year has worked very well. It's much simpler than various people collecting cash at the end of each match, and also more flexible should we need to increase our match fees to a less cash-friendly number than £5.00. In the end only one person didn't pay (even after numerous reminders), but even that had the benefit of making it clear that they were not going to contribute to the club.

The possibility of asking new players to pay cash for their first two matches was discussed and put to a vote; this was defeated 1-6.

One minor note is that people paying their fees either in cash or electronically from a(nother) Co-Op bank account should e-mail when they do so in order that their payment be registered.

Our insurance is at CCA rates, so it was agreed to make sure we continue to pay our CCA registration. It was also felt that this would make it clearer if we need to justify actions on the grounds of CCA compliance.

Action: Dave will take care of this.

Fitz pitch fees are going to stay at £60 (including VAT) and so match fees will stay at £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for juniors. The charge to visiting teams will remain at £35.00 (the extra being to pay 50% of the match ball cost).

The annual dinner, which was again held at the Burleigh Arms, was a great success.

Dave was thanked for his efforts on behalf of the club.

Secretary's report

The 2016 season ran fairly smoothly, although a few teams did drop out late in the piece.

This year's fixture list is almost complete. We have several new opposition sides: Lidgate & Ousden; and possibly Freedland Rees Roberts (architects) and Cambridge Assessment (formerly UCLES). Particular highlights should be Remnants vs. Remnants on June 20 and the President's XI game, to celebrate the 1000th Remnants match, on August 8.

The possibility of a discount match fee for pensioners was discussed but received little support.

It was clarified that junior match fees apply to under-18s and undergraduate unversity students only.

Daniel was thanked by the club for his efforts.

Captain's and vice-captains' reports

Captain Daniel Mortlock reported that, of 39 scheduled fixtures, 32 were played, including 2 internal games. Of the 30 external games 21 were won, 8 were lost and one was drawn. Overall a very strong result, and our third "in the black" season in a row.

Vice-captain Paul Jordan reported that the Tuesday and Wednesday teams were even again this year, and that the St Barnabas game (after which there was pizza) was a particular highlight.

Vice-captain Andy Owen echoed that it was a good year against decent sides, and also that we played well as a team, with good sharing of batting and bowling duties.

(Vice-captain Olly Rex was unable to attend.)

Club welfare officer's report

Club welfare officer Paul Jordan didn't have anything particular to report, implying a fairly smooth year.

He will go on a CCA refresher course in March.

Action: Paul will ensure there is a sheet in the clubhouse with the ground postcode, and details of our affiliation and insurance.

The club thanked Paul for his efforts.

Election of officers

General business

There was some discussion about team selection, particularly with reference to players who only make themselves available for a small number of games during the season. The numbers indicate such "drop-in" players are vital to fielding full teams, but it was agreed that the selection policy should be to put regular players first.

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