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2010 Remnants annual general meeting

The 2010 Remnants CC annual general meeting was held at the Fitzwilliam College Cricket Ground bar on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. Despite a good turn out and plenty of beer drinking (appropriate for St Patrick's Day), it was a decidedly efficient affair, with not too much circular debate and generally goal-oriented feel to it.


Members present: Geoff Hales; Rob Harvey; Paul Jordan; Faruk Kara; Adrian Mellish; Nicky Mellish; Daniel Mortlock; Dave Norman; Tom Serby; Joe White; Dave Williams; Russell Woolf.

Apologies: Les Collings; Matt Hughes; Andy Owen; Kiran Sakhamuri.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of last year's AGM, held on March 9, 2009, were taken as read.

The treasurer's report

Dave Williams once again provided an in-depth treasurer's report. Included were several discussion points which were opened up to the meeting:

Secretary's report

Geoff Hales didn't begin his report with a summary of the club's performances for the 2009 season, as Daniel was in possession of his vital blue book. But it can now be reported that Remnants played a total of 28 matches in 2009, of which we both won and lost 14, with 1 tie, 1 abandonment and 2 internal games. That brings our all-time ledger to ??? wins and ??? losses from a total of ??? matches.

Geoff was particularly appreciative of the efforts that went into his "abdication" match late last season, and also thanked Sally Hales and Dave Norman for all the support they gave the club during the year.

Several members have expressed an interest in attending a full ECB umpiring course in October. The total cost per person will be GBP 30.00 (GBP 20.00 of which is for membership of the relevant association); it was agreed that the club will pay half of this for any member who attends, as the club will benefit in improved umpiring standards. (But you should re-read Geoff's short umpiring guide again before the season begins.)

Captain's report

Despite it being his second year leading Remnants, Russell Woolf seemed surprised that he was expected to deliver a captain's report. Nonetheless, his sentiments were heart-felt: he's greatly enjoyed his time leading the club, and hopes that others did as well; his only regret was failing to win that one crucial match that would have seen us end 2009 with more wins than losses.

Election of officers

General business

The 2009 annual dinner was agreed to be a great success, and everybody seemed very happy with the venue (the "barn" at the back of The Punter on Pound Hill). The one further suggestion came from Faruk Kara, who requested that the date be moved if possible to avoid clashing with Thanksgiving (i.e., Friday, November 26, 2010 and Saturday, November 27, 2010 be avoided).

There was a discussion about providing non-playing equipment. It was decided that the club would not purchase umpires' coats (largely as there is not room for them in the club kit-box) or ball-counters (as these were felt likely to go missing), but that it would provide at least one kit scorebook.

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