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Cambridge Granta vs. Remnants

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Clare College

Match cancelled.

``If we'd had this weather last week I'd have missed out on the chance of four stumpings in a match -- it is certainly not cricket weather at the moment, and there's plenty more rain where today's came from.'' So said the BBC's Everton Fox on Radio 4 just after midnight (as recorded for posterity in this 50 second MPEG audio file), and seldom can the world's premiere media group have stated a surer fact.

Last we were lucky to have played a game -- and scored a victory -- without rain interrupting proceedings; today it was obvious from the way the morning sunlight was reflected in the puddles that our luck had run out. No chance to exact our revenge on a (hopefully) Dave Norman-free Granta and, indeed, no more cricket for July (Can ``summer'' really have whizzed by that fast?). With the season three-quarters over we've had more wash-outs than victories, but there is still the hope that, by winning four or five of our seven remaining external games, we can get our season back into the black.

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